Biography He was born in 1680 in Uch, Mughal Empire (present day Punjab, Pakistan ) to a family of Tajik origin. Bulleh Shah was an eminent scholar of Arabic and Persian . After his early education, he went to Lahore where he met Inayat Arian , and became his disciple Bulleh Shah's father, Shah Muhammad Darwaish, was well-versed in Arabic , Persian , and the Quran . Due to uncertain reasons, he had to move to Malakwal , a village of Sahiwal . Later, when Bulleh Shah was six years old, his family moved to Pandoke , which is 50 miles southeast of Kasur. Bulleh Shah was schooled by his father, along with the other children of the village. Most sources confirm that Bulleh Shah had to work as a child and adolescent herder in the village. It is confirmed that he received his higher education in Kasur. Some historians claim that Bulleh Shah received his education at a highly...